Temecula Valley Genealogical Society

Valentines, Love, Courtship, Marriage

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The History of Valentines Day
Valentine's Day is a day of romance,  however some consider the entire month of February to be one of romance. The celebration of love dates back to the Middle Ages. 
                Valentine History & more
Ever wonder where and how your parents or grandparents met?  Was it arranged, were they two strangers that met as young adults or were their families neighbors for decades? Don't forget to ask your family members about how they fell in love!
   Marriage Record Research
Look for Marriage Records
Did you know?
Hallmark Cards Introduced the first Valentine in 1913.
Learn about Marriage Banns in less than 5 minuites

What Is a Dowry?

A dowry is a gift of substantial monetary value given from either the bride or groom to their future spouse upon marriage.

Just for Fun....  
                                    First Kiss On Film        
          May Irwin and John C. Rice, who appeared in a
short film called "The Kiss" in 1896.